6 Tips for Great Event Photography

6 Tips for Great Event Photography

As a professional photographer, I understand that an amateur with a good bit of kit can capture a pretty decent photo.  And I know that you can generate some fabulous photography for your business social media channels using a smartphone.  And I know that my kids...
How to choose the right photographer

How to choose the right photographer

6 things to consider when hiring a photographer for your business stock images Choosing the right photographer for your business imagery can be tricky.  How much will it cost, how many images will you receive, does the photographer get what you’re trying to achieve?...
Event Photography | Salon International

Event Photography | Salon International

October 2017.  Hair show photography for Sassoon Academy at Salon 2017, Excel London.  For three days in October, I hung out with some of the hair industry’s biggest names at Salon International.  Honestly, this event is MASSIVE and so well put together by the event...